Imagine You are a Boat

This past Spring, we sold our beautiful old wooden sailboat, Meander.
She was a 44”, 1950 Alden Cutter – the prettiest boat in the harbor. She had been left for dead and somehow Fred saw her inner beauty. For the next 9+ years, he lovingly restored her from stem to stern. She is a sight to behold.

We spent summer vacations sailing Meander on the stunning coast of Maine.

I am learning to sail. As with yoga, sailing has so much to teach – and I have much to learn. Also, like yoga, sailing has a beautiful language of its own. Over the past 18 years of learning “the ropes”, I have come to see myself with beginners’ eyes. Learning the language of sailing, the feel of the wind and water and the inherent mindfulness that occurs on the water has been a gift. Sensing the soul of this boat as she supported me through crashing waves and thrashing winds and soothing my fears in calmer waters, has brought me to a place of gratitude, appreciation and wonder.

Allow me to share with you, some images that have stayed with me, and what I imagine as Meander’s perspective of being on the water with a tender-hearted captain and an abiding rookie first mate, who appreciates her every line.

Imagine you are a boat.
A beautiful old wooden sailboat.
You are cared for, respected, loved.
You know from this moment on that you are treasured.
Your body, the hull. Sturdy.
Your heart, the sails. Full.
Your thoughts, the wind. Free and passing.
You are lying at anchor. The water is smooth as glass.
It is early morning, and the fog is surrounding you.
Your bow can barely make out your stern.
The “Om” of the fog horns settles you. Comforts you.
Your anchor is set.
You soften.
You feel safe. Held by the water.
Centered over your keel. Balanced.
You are supported by the carefully tended rigging and lines.
You are buoyant.
Allow yourself rest in this knowing.
Swaying with the gentle waves in the harbor.

Allow yourself to be held.
Floating…fearlessly, comfortably… suspended… by calm waters.
Settle and let the space in between open to possibility.

High on Waves
by Swami Sivananda

Be graceful.
Be self-confident.
Be balanced.
Be gentle.
Be child-like.